Mayuresh Full stack developer working on Ruby on Rails and React

Effortless Data Recovery: Choose Your Timeline with Multiple Backups a Day or Selective Restores from RDS

Effortless Data Recovery: Choose Your Timeline with Multiple Backups a Day or Selective Restores from RDS

If you want your database to be automatically backed up twice or thrice a day, you don’t actually need to perform multiple backups. AWS RDS provides a feature called “point-in-time recovery”, which allows you to choose which time you want to restore from any point in time across all your snapshots.

Suppose you are creating automated snapshots on a daily basis with a retention period of 14 days. In the last 14 days, you can jump to any particular time of a backup. For example, if you create a snapshot daily at 7 pm and want to restore a backup from yesterday at 10 pm, then you can use point-in-time recovery.

Steps to recover the database at a particular time:-

  • Go to the AWS console
  • navigate to RDS
  • click on automated backups
    • then you will see all the snapshots which are taken and retained
  • Choose the appropriate RDS instance
  • Then click on actions in which select Restore to point in time

RDS Restore 1

  • On this page Choose the particular time frame in which you want to restore the backup
    • Afterward, choose the essential information for snapshot backup

RDS Restore 2

Point-in-time recovery negates the need for twice-daily backups. However, if you still want to perform backups twice a day (which doesn’t make much sense), you can create a lambda function to invoke manual snapshot creation and add CloudWatch Event Rules (to kick off the Lambda at a certain time, basically acting as a cron).

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