Mayuresh Full stack developer working on Ruby on Rails and React

Rails 7 excluding on ActiveRecord::Relation

Rails 7 excluding on ActiveRecord::Relation

Rails 7 introduced a new method excluding for ActiveRecord::Relation, offering a convenient way to exclude specific records from a collection. This addition provides developers with a cleaner and more expressive approach when filtering query results.

The Previous Approach: where.not

Prior to Rails 7, developers relied on the where.not method to exclude records from a query result. The where.not method was introduced in Rails 4.0 and allowed for excluding records based on specific conditions. Here’s an example of how it was used:

results = Model.where.not(attribute: value)

In the above code snippet, Model represents the ActiveRecord model being queried, attribute refers to the attribute used for filtering, and value is the value to exclude.

The Introduction of excluding in Rails 7

With the advent of Rails 7, the new excluding method makes filtering records even more intuitive. Let’s explore how it simplifies the exclusion process.

Excluding a Single Record

Suppose we have a Post model and we want to exclude the last created post from a collection. We can achieve this using excluding in the following way:

post = Post.last
result = Post.all.excluding(post)

In the above code, we retrieve the last post using Post.last. Then, by invoking Post.all.excluding(post), we retrieve all the posts except the one specified by post.

Excluding Records Based on Association

We can also leverage excluding to exclude records based on their association with another model. Let’s consider a scenario where we have a User model that has many posts. To retrieve all posts except those belonging to the last user, we can use excluding as follows:

user = User.last
result = Post.all.excluding(user.posts)

In the code above, we retrieve the last user with User.last, and then we exclude the posts associated with that user by invoking Post.all.excluding(user.posts).


The introduction of the excluding method in Rails 7 enhances the filtering capabilities of ActiveRecord::Relation. It simplifies the process of excluding specific records, whether based on a single attribute or through associations with other models. With excluding, developers can write more readable and concise code when working with collections in Rails applications.

To delve deeper into the implementation details and discussions around the introduction of excluding, you can explore the corresponding pull request here.

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