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Whenever - Scheduling Jobs

If you are developing web applications in Ruby on Rails, then you are probably already familiar with the concept of scheduling jobs to run at specific intervals. One popular tool...

Delegate in Ruby on Rails

In Ruby on Rails, delegates provide a way to delegate certain methods to an associated object. This is useful when you have a model with an association and want to...

Generating CSV files in Rails

CSV (Comma Separated Values) is a widely used file format to exchange data between different systems. In this blog post, we will learn how to generate CSV files in Rails....

Creating Custom Alerts with CloudWatch

Introduction Amazon CloudWatch, a monitoring and observability service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS), provides a comprehensive solution for monitoring various AWS resources and applications. In this blog, we will...

CarrierWave Gem: The Ultimate File Uploader for Rails

If you’re building a Rails application that requires file uploads, you’re in luck!

Mastering React's Basic Hooks: A Comprehensive Guide to useState, useEffect, and useContext

React hooks have become an essential part of building modern React applications. They provide a simple and elegant way to manage state and lifecycle events within functional components.