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Accessing Objects from a Private S3 Bucket through CloudFront

In this blog, we will walk you through the process of accessing objects from a private S3 bucket through CloudFront. This will enable you to securely and efficiently deliver content...

Using Charts in your Next.js Project

If you’re looking to enhance your Next.js project with beautiful charts and design, the Chart.js library is a great choice. In this blog, we will explore how to integrate Chart.js...

Polymorphic Associations in Ruby on Rails

Introduction In Ruby on Rails, associations allow us to establish relationships between models. One such association is polymorphic association, which provides a flexible way to connect multiple models to a...

Understanding alias_method in Ruby on Rails

In order to create an alias for a method we can use alias_method which is provided by Ruby. Basically, we create an alias in order to override the name without...

Exploring Ruby Gems: Good-To-Have Gems for Rails Development

Introduction: Ruby Gems are packages or libraries that extend the functionality of Ruby and Ruby on Rails applications. They provide ready-made solutions for common tasks, making development faster and more...

Ruby on Rails: Understanding the ROTP Gem

In the Ruby on Rails framework, developers can leverage the power of the ROTP gem to easily implement OTP functionality.